Newsroom On this page you will find the Commission’s media advisories and news releases, open letters, speeches, as well as statement by the Commission, including statements announcing human rights discrimination settlements.

Open letter to Premiers: Respect the human rights of encampment residents

As jurisdictions across the country start to receive federal funding to address encampments, provincial and territorial governments have a critical role to play to ensure this money makes a lasting difference in the targeted communities. The Federal Housing Advocate wrote to the Premiers of Canada to urge them to commit to respecting and protecting the fundamental human rights of people experiencing homelessness and living in encampments

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  • Open letters
  • Housing
  • 2025-02-13

Open letter – accessible housing and the National Building Code

The Federal Housing Advocate notes that since this letter was published, the Canadian Board on Harmonized Construction Codes has proposed additional new changes to the National Building Code and has begun a separate consultation on these additional changes.

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  • Open letters
  • Housing
  • 2024-05-22

Open letter – universal design and accessible housing

I am writing regarding the announcement on December 12, 2023, that, to help address Canada’s housing crisis, the Government would develop a catalogue of pre-approved blueprint designs for homebuilders.

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  • Open letters
  • Housing
  • 2024-01-25

Of course Christmas is not racist; we never said it was

A discussion paper by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) on religious intolerance as a form of systemic discrimination has caused quite a stir in recent days. On Wednesday, the Quebec National Assembly unanimously adopted a motion in defense of Christmas. On Thursday, the House of Commons did the same.

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  • Open letters
  • Human Rights
  • 2023-11-30

CHRC and OCI - Open letter calling for Canada's ratification of the OPCAT

The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and the Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada (OCI) are writing to you on a subject of utmost concern with important human rights implications for individuals deprived of their liberty in this country...

News details

  • Open letters
  • Human Rights
  • 2023-11-01

Open letter – Barrie

I write to express my grave concern with the motion carried at Barrie City Council on May 17, 2023 directing staff to use changes to the City’s By-laws in order to prohibit the use or distribution of tents or tarps in public parks or on public lands without a permit and to prohibit the distribution of food and grocery products in public spaces without the use of a permit.

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  • Open letters
  • Housing
  • 2023-06-20

Open letter – Vancouver

I write to express my grave concerns about the plan reported in the media to escalate the decampment of East Hastings Street.

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  • Open letters
  • Housing
  • 2023-05-03

Open letter – Prince George

I write to express my grave concerns about the new bylaw under consideration by City Council to establish a centralized homeless encampment at Moccasin Flats.

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  • Open letters
  • Housing
  • 2023-04-11

Individual rights come with collective responsibility

Today, International Human Rights Day, we owe it to ourselves to understand what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Canadian Human Rights Act tell us.

News details

  • Open letters
  • Human Rights
  • 2021-12-10

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