Requesting parking accommodation will be easier for employees at ESDC

October 5, 2022 – Ottawa (Ontario) – The Canadian Human Rights Commission

The Canadian Human Rights Commission is pleased to announce the centralization of requests for parking accommodation within the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

As a result of a confidential mediation process that took place regarding a discrimination complaint, a centralized approach to dealing with requests for all parking accommodation requests has been implemented within the ESDC Duty to Accommodate Centre of Expertise.

Going forward, all requests from staff will be referred to the Centre of Expertise, which will review the request with the manager based on individual circumstances. With the assistance of the Centre of Expertise, the manager will then make a decision on the request.

This announcement follows a thorough review of EDSC's approach to requests for parking accommodations for its staff. While each situation will be considered unique and assessed on a case-by-case basis by EDSC, this agreement will allow for a standardized approach to all accommodation requests.


“The settlement reached is a step in the right direction. It provides a consistent approach to the processing of accommodation requests that promotes respect for human rights and should allow all staff members to contribute and participate in the workplace without barriers.”

Marie-Claude Landry, Chief Commission of the Canadian Human Rights Commission

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