Commission's accessibility plan

As Canada's national human rights institution, Canada's human rights watchdog, and as the home to Canada's Accessibility Commissioner, we are striving to be an accessibility leader in creating environments, services and experiences that welcome and benefit everyone.

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Our commitment to accessibility

The Canadian Human Rights Commission is working hard to be an accessible and inclusive organization. As Canada's national human rights institution, Canada's human rights watchdog, and as the home to Canada's Federal Accessibility Commissioner, we take this responsibility seriously.

We know we have much work ahead to become a barrier-free organization. We will approach this responsibility by listening, learning and taking action.

We are working with the key principle of “Nothing Without Us.”

As we work to put this plan in place, we will continue to count on feedback from our employees, rights holders and people with lived-experience, and other stakeholders.

We will work hard to put this plan in place in a way that respects the principles of the Accessible Canada Act:

  • dignity
  • equal opportunities
  • barrier-free access
  • meaningful options
  • involving people with disabilities in the development and design of our policies, programs, services and structures
  • recognizing that people can be excluded and discriminated against for more than one reason at the same time (intersectionality)
  • achieving the highest level of accessibility

Together, Commission employees from all levels of the organization are working to implement this Accessibility Plan. We will implement the Plan in partnership with other Commission-wide efforts we are taking towards anti-racism, equity and inclusion.

Our Accessibility Plan will ensure that the work we undertake to achieve accessibility excellence is sustainable, transparent, and spans the areas of accessibility outlined in the Accessible Canada Act.

This Accessibility Plan is our formal pledge to everyone we employ and everyone we serve that the Commission is committed to creating environments, services and experiences where everyone can belong, and everyone feels valued and respected.

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