RCMP commits to addressing and preventing discrimination

April 17, 2023 – Ottawa, Ontario – Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Today, the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are releasing the terms of a human rights settlement. The settlement puts in place a plan for measures to address and prevent systemic discrimination at the RCMP Training Academy at Depot Division, in Regina. This settlement is the result of a complaint filed by a cadet, who identified as a Black Canadian, and who attended the RCMP Training Academy.

In this settlement, the RCMP acknowledges that underrepresented groups may face barriers to successfully completing the training curriculum at the RCMP Training Academy.

The RCMP commits to identifying and reducing workplace barriers and discrimination by taking steps to improve the experience of racialized employees at the RCMP, in particular at the RCMP Training Academy. The RCMP also commits to taking proactive steps — in policy and training — to prevent and address racism. In addition, the RCMP commits to increasing the diversity of applicants and cadets at the RCMP Training Academy, as well as across the RCMP, and among those in leadership roles.

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Terms of Settlement

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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