Accessibility feedback process

About the feedback process

Note: The information below applies to feedback processes developed under the Accessible Canada Regulations. Visit the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Accessibility Reporting Regulations or the Accessible Transportation Planning and Reporting Regulations to learn about requirements under those regulations.

The voluntary self-assessment tool is a tool to help organizations create and review their feedback process, in compliance with the requirements of the Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations.

Organizations are required to publish a description of their feedback process that explains:

  • how they are following their accessibility plans
  • how they are removing barriers.

The Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations require that federally regulated organizations develop a process for receiving and dealing with feedback:

  • on its accessibility plan, and
  • on the barriers employees and other people (for example, customers, clients, suppliers, the public) face when dealing with the organization (for example, online, in person, by phone).

Organizations must establish a feedback process that:

  • assigns a person responsible for receiving feedback on behalf of the organization and provide the position title of that person
  • allows people to give feedback anonymously (without giving personal information)
  • allows people to provide feedback by:
    • mail
    • telephone
    • email or
    • or any other means the organization uses to communicate with the public
  • acknowledges feedback in the same way the feedback was received (except for anonymous feedback).

Publishing requirements for feedback processes

Organizations must publish a description of its feedback process at the same time that it publishes its first accessibility plan. The organization must notify the Accessibility Commissioner about both documents.

For information about the publication requirements for your organization's feedback process visit Publication requirements.

Amending the feedback process

Organizations may amend their feedback process at any time. A description of the new version must be published as soon as possible after any change. Organizations must also notify the Accessibility Commissioner within 48 hours after publishing an amended description of the feedback process.

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