Today, Federal Housing Advocate Marie-Josée Houle is calling for a national response to the human rights crisis facing people living in homeless encampments.
Today, as we mark the start of Black History Month, the Canadian Human Rights Commission recommits to meaningful anti-racist action.
Today is the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia. This year marks the sixth anniversary of the terrible night a gunman walked into the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre and opened fire on worshippers, killing 6 men and injuring many more.
This Saturday is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, where more than one million people were killed during the Holocaust.
I am writing regarding the announcement on December 12, 2023, that, to help address Canada’s housing crisis, the Government would develop a catalogue of pre-approved blueprint designs for homebuilders.
Today, the Office of the Federal Housing Advocate released a series of reports that confirm that evictions in Canada contravene human rights law.
The Canadian Human Rights Commission (Commission) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) are pleased to announce a settlement in which CSIS affirms its ongoing commitment to address systemic discrimination and racism, and increase diversity and inclusion in its workplace.
The Canadian Human Rights Commission is reviewing the final report released today by the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights.
This year’s International Human Rights Day marks 75 years since nations of the world came together to compile a list of 30 fundamental rights that we all share, simply because we are human. It is now time to recommit to the full realization of those rights – including social and economic rights - for everyone in Canada.
The Canadian Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned by the data released earlier this week by Statistics Canada from the Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The results confirm that the proportion of military members who reported being sexually assaulted by another member of the military more than doubled between 2018 and 2022. Equally disheartening is that most of this is going unreported.