Am I in the Right Place?

There are many organizations in Canada that are responsible for helping people when they are treated unfairly. Before you complain to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, it is important to make sure that you complain to the right organization so that you get the help you need as fast as possible.

What do you need?

I want to file a complaint related to accessibility.

If you make a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission for unfair treatment related to accessibility, we may refer you to another organization that is better suited to address your issue.

Before you file a complaint with the Commission, you may want to look into whether one of the organizations listed below is more appropriate to deal with your accessibility complaint.

I want to file a human rights complaint against a privately-run business such as a retail store, a restaurant, a gas station, or an insurance company, etc.
I want to file a human rights complaint against my provincial or territorial government
I was fired without cause and I want someone to help me get my job back

You have three options:

  1. If you have been fired from a federal department or organization, and the reason you think you were fired can be linked to one of the grounds of discrimination listed in the Canadian Human Rights Act, you should come to us, the CHRC.
  2. If you have been fired from a federal department or organization but cannot link the reason you think you were fired to a ground of discrimination, you should go to the Canada Labour Program.
  3. If you have been fired from a provincial or territorial government department or organization, or from a privately-run business such as a restaurant or a store, you should go to your provincial or territorial human rights agency.
I need help with my immigration process
I believe my Charter rights have been violated and I need help filing a complaint related to the Canadian Charter of Rights And Freedoms

A lawyer

If you don’t know a lawyer, you might find it helpful to use the list of provincial and territorial Legal Aid services found here

I want to file a police report or report a criminal matter

Your local police or local RCMP

I was mistreated by the police and want to file a complaint about police conduct
I want to file a complaint related to Canada’s official languages
I need help resolving a personal dispute

An Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Go here to find one near you.

I want to file a human rights complaint against a bank, an airline, my phone company, or a trucking company.
I want to file a human rights complaint against my First Nations government.
I want to file a human rights complaint against the Government of Canada, against a specific government department.



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