Canadian Human Rights Commission welcomes new part-time commissioner

July 19, 2018 – Ottawa, Ontario – Canadian Human Rights Commission

The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) is pleased to announce the appointment, by Order in Council, of a new part-time commissioner, Ms. Dianna Scarth, effective immediately.

Ms. Scarth brings with her a wealth of experience, having spent the greater part of her career promoting human rights and addressing issues of discrimination and harassment.

After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Winnipeg, and Master of Social Work and Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Manitoba, Ms. Scarth spent the early part of her career employed as a probation officer, a social worker in an adolescent treatment centre and a field instructor for social work students. Those experiences influenced her understanding and commitment to human rights and social justice.

She went on to serve as Executive Director of the Manitoba Human Rights Commission from 1996 to 2012. It was a period of growth and change for the Commission, during which mediation options were expanded, a systemic approach to complaint resolutions was adopted and a number of new education programs for employers and youth were created under her direction.

Ms. Scarth’s other experience also includes such roles as Visiting Professor in the Global College and Human Rights and Diversity Officer at the University of Winnipeg. She also served as a board advisor for the Legal Help Centre from 2012-2017. More recently, in 2017, she was appointed a member of the Manitoba Accessibility Advisory Council.

Ms. Scarth looks forward to expanding her involvement in human rights by joining the Commission and working on matters in the federal jurisdiction.

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