Open letter to CHRC Staff

Dear Commission Staff,

I am pleased to share with you, for your review and consideration, the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s Anti-Racism Action plan and a supporting dashboard document.

These documents can be accessed through Edocs, the Hub and on Teams. The Action Plan is also available without the dashboard document on our website.

The Anti-Racism Action Plan will guide all aspects of the Commission’s anti-racism work. It is based on suggestions and input from Commission employees and external stakeholders.

I would like to take this opportunity to recognize everyone who has already provided feedback and recommendations. We look forward to receiving even more input in the days ahead.

The Commission’s Anti-Racism Action Plan is a working document. As we go forward, we will update the plan to reflect the path we chart together.

The Action Plan is built on four commitments:

  1. Being Open, Clear and Accountable
  2. Advancing Equity & Inclusion
  3. Improving Access to Justice
  4. Advocating for Change

Working on anti-racist organizational change is not a single act or decision – it is an ongoing commitment that must continuously shape our thinking, decision-making, and actions. It must involve and include everyone working at the Commission. It will take a concerted and dedicated effort. It will take time and perseverance.

We want to hear from you. Your engagement, your ideas and your input are critical to implementing lasting anti-racism practices throughout the organization. We invite you to share any feedback you may have with your director or the Director of Human Resources.

The Commission is dedicated to meeting the highest standards of equality and non-discrimination, anti-racism, inclusion, dignity and respect. We are committed to listening, learning and taking meaningful action to bring about lasting anti-racist organizational change.    




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