Corporate Publications

Library of Corporate Publications, Policies and Reports on Human Rights Issues. 

Publication Type

Every voice counts: Anti-racist transformation from the inside out

Publication Type
Anti-racism work
Subject Matter
Human Rights

Canadian Human Rights Commission’s Fall 2023 Update

2023 to 2027 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

Publication Type
Corporate Publications
Subject Matter
Human Rights

CHRC and OCI - Open letter calling for Canada's ratification of the OPCAT

Subject Matter
Human Rights

Discussion Paper on Religious Intolerance

Publication Type
Anti-racism work
Subject Matter

Discussion paper on systemic racism

Publication Type
Anti-racism work
Subject Matter

Anti-Racism & Organizational Change: A Guide for Employers

Publication Type
Anti-racism work
Subject Matter

Developed by Anti-Racism Scholar and Expert, Charles C. Smith, with Birgit Rohde

2022-23 Financial Statements

Publication Type
Corporate Publications
Subject Matter

Canadian human rights commission quarterly financial report for the quarter ended June 30, 2023

Publication Type
Corporate Publications
Subject Matter

Statement outlining results, risks and significant changes in operations, personnel and program

Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council

Subject Matter
Human Rights

On the occasion of its review of Canada during the 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review

What we did and what we learned: Monitoring Disability Rights

This report provides a plain language summary of what people shared during the public engagement process. This report has been translated and tested by People First of Canada’s plain language team. Self advocates from across the country provided their input, expertise, and experience to help make this report more accessible through plain language. It includes Sign language videos and closed captioning. It can also be read with a screen reader.