
Library of Publications, Policies and Reports on Human Rights Issues. 

Publication Type
Image of the cover of a report

Report on Plans and Priorities 2012-2013

Publication Type
Informing Parliament
Subject Matter

The Report on Plans and Priorities is an expenditure plan that provides a detailed overview of the Commission’s main priorities over a three-year period. These priorities are divided by strategic outcome, program activities, and planned and expected results. The Report on Plans and Priorities also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs.

Image of the cover of a report

Accommodation in the 21st Century

Publication Type
Human Rights Research
Subject Matter
Human Rights

What were the Meiorin and Grismer decisions, and why did they generate so much optimism for people with disabilities? What challenges need to be overcome to ensure equality in employment and services? This report assesses the potential for the Meiorin and Grismer decisions to be catalysts for change. It also considers how some of the cases that followed Meiorin and Grismer have created troubling legal knots.

Annual Report 2011 Thumbnail

Annual Report 2011

Publication Type
Annual Reports
Subject Matter

What were the human rights issues of 2011? What activities did the Commission carry out to promote human rights in Canada? The following report provides an account of the Commission’s activities in 2011. It highlights the key actions taken by the Commission to advance human rights for all Canadians

Canadian Human Rights Commission Quarterly Financial Report - 2011

Publication Type
Corporate Publications
Informing Parliament
Subject Matter

The Quarterly financial Report consists of financial tables comparing planned and actual expenditures for both the quarter and year-to-date as well as comparative information for the preceding fiscal year. The report also contains a narrative section which provides a concise discussion on the significant changes affecting both the quarter and year to date financial results, and changes in relation to operations, personnel and programs.

Internal Audit Reports - Management Action Plan

Publication Type
Corporate Publications
Subject Matter

The Internal Audit Report is a management tool used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Commission’s activities, while demonstrating accountability and stewardship of resources. The Report also includes a Management Action Plan to implement recommendations.

Image of the cover of a report

ARCHIVED - Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Publication Type
Subject Matter

What human rights issues must Aboriginal peoples in Canada overcome? What human rights issues are of particular concern to the Commission? This report highlights the persistent and growing gap in the well-being of Aboriginal peoples, compared to the broader Canadian population. It also highlights other human rights issues such as the overrepresentation of African-Canadians in penitentiaries.

Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

ARCHIVED - Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Publication Type
Human Rights Research
Subject Matter

Did you know that Aboriginal children in Canada face inequities and discrimination as a result of the Indian Act? Did you know a large number of Aboriginal people still do not benefit from the most basic services that other Canadians take for granted? This report looks at a range of issues currently facing Aboriginal people living on reserve, with a specific focus on Aboriginal youth.

The Human Rights Impact Assessment for Security Measures

ARCHIVED - The Human Rights Impact Assessment for Security Measures

Publication Type
Human Rights Research
Subject Matter

Do you work for an organization responsible for national security? Are you looking for ways to create and maintain security measures that respect human rights? The Human Rights Impact Assessment is a tool that can help you identify and eliminate potential discriminatory practices in the development of security measures.

Human Rights Accountability in National Security Practices - A Special Report to Parliament

ARCHIVED - Human Rights Accountability in National Security Practices - A Special Report to Parliament

Publication Type
Research Reports
Subject Matter
Human Rights

Are Canadian security organizations considering human rights when developing security measures and policies? In this Special Report to Parliament, the Commission recommended that Parliament pass legislation requiring national security organizations to publicly demonstrate how they meet obligations to respect human rights.

Image of the cover of a report

National Security and Human Rights

Publication Type
Human Rights Research
Subject Matter
Human Rights

How can one be sure that human rights are being considered when national security measures and policies are created? Are Canada's national security organizations respecting human rights? This report recommends that Canada's national security organizations be held accountable for upholding human rights in their operations.